Online Yoga Teacher Training: Certification And Build Your Brand

Whether you're looking for a side-hustle or looking to pivot into a new career path, yoga instructing can be both rewarding and profitable. The right online yoga teacher training can prepare you teach a variety of classes, help you build your brand, and provide you with the training you need to become a certified yoga instructor.

Here are some of the ways to get the most out of online yoga teacher training courses this summer.

Be Versatile

Yoga students often crave novelty and variety. The best online yoga teacher training courses expose you to a number of yoga disciplines. This can allow you to teach the "it" class of the moment, while also offering classic courses.

  • Traditional: understanding the foundational principles and practices of yoga is critical. The best online yoga teacher training courses provide a history of yoga and a thorough examination of the traditional poses. Mastering these foundational poses and learning how to teach the history of yoga can allow you teach in a variety of settings, and to students of all ages and experience levels.
  • Modern: yoga continues to evolve. Learning about the latest trends and popular yoga classes can help you connect with students looking for the newest "thing" in yoga. When you enroll in online yoga teacher training, it's important to not only learn about modern classes, but also to apprentice with an experienced yoga instructor. For instance, you might start by co-teaching a modern yoga course with an instructor, but then end the class teaching it by yourself. This type of mentorship can be invaluable and instructive.

Building Your Brand

With the proliferation of social media and online videos, just about anyone with a camera and a little courage can "teach" a yoga class. Differentiating yourself from other professionals and/or faux-professionals online can mean the difference between financial profitability and loss.

  • Branding: having a brand and voice can help you build relationships with potential clients and students online. The best online yoga teacher training courses provide ample social media and branding training to help you start building a brand before you even graduate.

Yoga Certification

If you're hoping to work in a professional environment like a gym, college, or community center, you'll likely need a yoga certification.

  • Hours: the first component of yoga certification is accumulating training and teaching hours in professional settings. It's always a good idea to know how many hours you'll need before you enroll in a yoga online teacher training course.
  • Tests: many yoga certifications also require you to pass a standardized test. The best online yoga teacher training courses provide test prep courses for their students and sometimes help cover exam fees.
